Who we are

Visamundithe agency for your travel formalities

Since 2017, the Visamundi agency has been assisting you with your dematerialized travel procedures. We put at your disposal a team of experts skilled and experienced in visa application procedures, who will take care of accompanying you throughout the process. Whether you need a tourist, business or other visa, our aim is to offer you an efficient, reliable and personalized service.

We understand that every trip is unique, which is why we are committed to providing you with assistance tailored to your specific needs.
Sébastien Couix, CEO Visamundi

By calling on our agency, you' ll save precious time and avoid the administrative hassles associated with the travel process: visas, various authorizations, translations, immigration projects, and so on. We take care of collecting the documents, checking their conformity, submitting the file to the appropriate authorities and monitoring the progress of your application. Our aim is to provide you with a stress-free experience, so that you can concentrate on planning your trip.


The agency in a few dates

  • 2017: creation of Visamundi with its historic destination, India 🇮🇳
  • 2018: first recruitments
  • 2019: we start working with a local ESAT and exceed 10 destinations
  • 2020: acquisition of our first offices in Nantes and integration into the ADN Booster gas pedal
  • 2021: diversification of services, we win the award for fastest-growing local HR startup and are certified ESSEC x Goldman Sachs #10kSmallBusinesses
  • 2022: acquisition of our second office in Nantes and integration of Paris&Co's WelcomeCityLab gas pedal.
  • 2023: we pass our RGPD certification and develop a presence abroad.
documents each year
languages spoken

7 reasons to choose Visamundi

  • Experts to answer your questions
    Our teams are ready to answer your queries via a variety of modern communication channels. Our priority is to provide you with up-to-date information on your destinations. Each person handling your file is an expert on the destination, and knows the seasonality and particularities of the country. Embassies are also used to dealing with our files, which they know are "pre-controlled" and therefore easier to finalize.
  • Simple forms
    Each form is simplified as much as possible, so you can get your travel document as quickly as possible. We know the particularities of each of the official administrative procedures, and we improve our forms accordingly.
  • A high success rate
    With an acceptance rate of over 99.6%, we improve the traveler's experience and give the authorities a better image of the country. If we don't get the document, we'll give you a full refund, with no deductions.
  • Protected data
    It's vital to check how sensitive passenger data is handled. At Visamundi, we want to make it clear that none of this data is rented or sold outside the company. We also keep copies of your documents for as short a time as possible.
  • Group applications
    Few countries allow you to submit an application for an entire group of travelers at the same time. At Visamundi, you can add up to 10 people to a single request, or even more via our dedicated tools for travel professionals.
  • A forward-looking agency
    Visamundi has dusted off the profession of travel intermediary by developing innovative digital tools (API, passport readers, Google Chrome extension, etc.). Our services evolve with your needs.
  • More than just visas
    Travel formalities aren't just about visas: legalization, health forms, Covid restrictions, long immigration, telecommuting. Simply put, we're your migration formalities concierge.

Top destinations

Visamundi Official government website
Submission 24/365
No additional service charges
Translated forms
Applications submitted several months before the trip
Possibility of saving a draft
Refund in case of refusal
Filing multiple requests
Additional services: health forms, insurance, etc.
Support available
Correction of documents before submission
SMS milestone tracking
Excellent user reviews

We help these typologies

  • individual travelers
  • tourdumondistes
  • school groups
  • travel agencies
  • tour operators
  • travel managers
  • tourist offices
  • business travellers
  • immigration lawyers

Where are our offices located?

Head office: 15 allée Duguay Trouin, 44000 Nantes (France)

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