Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport

If you're planning to travel to India, knowing the details about obtaining an e-visa and passing through Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport can be crucial. This information will enable you to enjoy a stress-free arrival and stay in this fascinating country.

e-Visa for India: a simplified method

First and foremost, you need a visa to enter India. The procedure has been greatly simplified by the introduction of the e-Visa system.

What is e-Visa?

The e-Visa for India is an electronic travel authorization. It has made the visa application process much easier and quicker than traditional methods that required visits to the embassy or consulate.

How do I get an e-Visa?

You can obtain an e-Visa online. You need to fill in a form with your personal details, upload scanned documents and make a payment. Once your application has been approved, the e-Visa is sent directly to your e-mail address.

However, beware of scams. Make sure you only apply on the official Indian government website or other reputable sites such as Visamundi. Avoid unsecured sites or those that charge excessive fees.

Arrival at Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport

Once you've obtained your e-Visa, you can fly to India. Your gateway will most likely be Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport, one of the country's busiest.

Airport formalities

On arrival, you'll have to go through several stages before you can collect your luggage and leave the airport.

  • Health check: This is usually the first step. Officials will check your health declaration form and may also carry out a temperature check.
  • e-Visa verification: Next, you'll go to the immigration office, where your e-Visa will be verified. Make sure you have a printed copy of your e-Visa with you.
  • Baggage reclaim: Once you've cleared immigration, you can collect your baggage. Carts are available free of charge.
  • Customs: Finally, before leaving the airport, you'll need to go through customs. If you have nothing to declare, you can simply use the green channel.

Airport services

Indira Gandhi International Airport offers a variety of services to make your stay more comfortable and enjoyable. You'll find restaurants, stores, VIP lounges, currency exchange services, car rental agencies and more.

E-Visa and Indira Gandhi International Airport: A duo for a successful trip

All in all, obtaining an e-Visa for India and knowing the formalities at Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport will make your trip to India much easier. So get ready and enjoy your trip!

white airplane parked during daytime

Apply for an e-Visa India