
When it comes to India and its cultural wonders, the city of Agra is undoubtedly one of the first to spring to mind. It is home to the magnificent Taj Mahal, an iconic monument that attracts millions of visitors every year. However, before you can enjoy this unique experience, you need to prepare your trip carefully and obtain an electronic visa to enter India.

e-Visa, a quick and easy way to travel to India

In the past, applying for a visa to visit India was often synonymous with long queues and laborious administrative procedures. Fortunately, in recent years, the Indian government has introduced thee-Visa system, which makes these formalities much quicker and easier to complete online.

Advantages of e-Visa for India

The e-Visa system offers several advantages for travellers to India:

  • Simplicity: all procedures can be carried out online without having to visit a consulate or embassy.
  • Speed: e-Visa applications are generally processed in just a few days, and can be obtained in less than a week if your application is complete and compliant.
  • Price: e-Visa often costs less than a traditional visa, and processing fees are payable directly online by credit card.
  • Flexibility: several types of e-Visa are available for different types of travel (tourism, business, medical care...), with validity periods and entry conditions adapted to each situation.

people walking near brown concrete building during daytime

How do I apply for an e-Visa for India?

Applying for your e-Visa for India is now a simple procedure by following these steps:

  1. Check that you are eligible: the e-Visa is available to nationals of many countries, but not all. You should therefore check on the Indian government's official website whether your nationality is eligible for this type of visa.
  2. Prepare the necessary documents: before you start your application, make sure you have a scanned copy of your passport (valid for at least 6 months after your planned departure date) and a recent passport photo (JPEG format) to hand.
  3. Fill in the online form: once you've gathered the necessary documents, go to the official Indian government website or that of a visa agency and fill in the e-Visa application form. You'll need to provide all the required information, such as your personal details, your professional background and details of your trip (dates, accommodation, etc.).
  4. Pay the processing fee: at the end of the form, you'll be asked to pay the processing fee for your e-Visa by credit card. The amount varies according to the type of visa you are applying for and your nationality.
  5. Receive your e-Visa by e-mail: if your application is approved, you will receive your e-Visa in electronic format (PDF) at the e-mail address you provided when you registered. Simply print it out and present it to the Indian authorities on arrival.

The different types of e-Visas for India

Depending on the nature of your stay and the duration of your trip, several types of e-Visas are available:

  • The Tourist e-Visa: intended for short-term tourist trips (e.g. to visit Agra and its monuments), it allows a maximum stay of 30 days with one or two entries into the country, up to 90 days with multiple entries.
  • The Business e-Visa: designed for professionals making business trips or attending conferences and seminars, it authorizes a stay of up to 180 days, with several possible entries into the country during a one-year period.
  • The Medical e-Visa: reserved for people needing to undergo medical treatment in India, it allows a maximum stay of 60 days with three possible entries into the country.

Don't forget the other formalities for your trip to Agra

Although thee-Visa is now the main formality for traveling to India, it's important not to neglect other aspects when preparing your trip. These include

  • Check the country's sanitary conditions and any recommended vaccinations
  • Take out appropriate travel insurance (covering medical expenses and repatriation).
  • Arrange your own transport to Agra from your point of entry into India (plane, train, cab...).
  • Book your accommodation in advance, as Agra is very touristy and hotels can sell out quickly.
India e-Visa application form