Businessmen, families on several continents, travelers around the world... The ordinary passport can be insufficient due to its limited number of pages. To help travelers, the French Administration has introduced a new concept: the Passeport Grand Voyageur Français.
This new passport, to be applied for when renewing a passport, for example, has 48 pages, 42 of which are blank (compared with 32 on the ordinary passport). Frequent travelers will have fewer administrative formalities to deal with, and will be able to keep this passport longer than the ordinary one.
The frequent flyer passport will be issued to French nationals who demonstrate genuine motivation, without which the application may be refused. The cost of the Passeport Grand Voyageur Français will be the same as the usual passport, and you will have to pay 86 euros to benefit from it.
It's no more complicated to get a French Grand Voyageur Passport than a traditional Passport. However, when you apply, you will be asked to send a handwritten letter to the Prefect or Consul expressing your wish to obtain the Long-Term Passport. You will also need to justify why you want this new passport.
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