The plan to reopen flights following Covid19

The tourism sector will soon be back in the spotlight as the airlines gradually recover. Indeed, Alexandre de Juniac, CEO of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), has announced that air links should resume next month in France, from July onwards for continental markets (Europe, North America, Asia Pacific) and at the start of the autumn for intercontinental routes. It should be noted, however, that traffic will be reduced and the number of destinations limited.

With the resumption of air traffic comes the implementation of numerous health measures to prioritize the safety and security of travelers. The IATA association is currently working on an action plan based on 5 principles to meet the new challenges facing the tourism sector and adapt to this health crisis.

Air France, among others, is regularly adjusting its flight schedule, which will resume at the end of June subject to the lifting of travel restrictions. </spanGood news, many of the destinations we cover are on offer: Bangalore, Bombay, Delhi, Cairo, Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Montreal.

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