India: Ayush e-Visa for travel involving traditional medicines

India has introduced a new type of electronic visa, called the e-Ayush Visaspecially designed for foreigners wishing to benefit from traditional Indian medicine. This initiative aims to encourage medical tourism and strengthen the global recognition of India's traditional healthcare systems.

The Ayush visa to promote medical tourism in India

  • Ayurveda : one of the oldest known medical systems focusing on the body's energetic balance.
  • Yoga & Naturopathy: ancestral techniques for natural healing and spiritual fulfillment.
  • Unani: system of Greco-Arab medicine combining Greek and Arab philosophies.
  • Siddha: ancient South Indian medical practice based on elements and minerals.
  • Homeopathy: therapeutic approach developed in Germany, but widely adopted in India, using diluted natural remedies.

Patients can now select this visa category to receive treatment in one of these traditional systems abroad.

Promoting traditional Indian medicine

In 2023, India launched the Ayush visa in the passport for foreigners wishing to benefit from the advantages of traditional Indian medicine. Available in two sub-categories, the process has recently been digitized with thee-Ayush Visa for the patient and thee-Ayush Attendent Visa for an accompanying person.

How to obtain an Ayush electronic visa

This new online visa can be claimed on the Indian government portal already used by millions of tourists since 2015 :

To obtain a e-Ayush VisaIn order to apply for the Ayush program, applicants must provide a copy of their passport online, their passport photo and a letter from an accredited hospital or Ayush institution. The letter from the medical institution must contain relevant information such as the applicant's name, the nature of the health problem, the recommended treatment and the expected duration. The cost of an Ayush electronic visa is 80 USD, or 77 €.

Exact copy of the existing Indian e-Medical Visa, The e-Ayush Visa allows you to stay in India for up to 60 days, with a maximum of 3 entries into the country.for both patient and carer.

Heal in India: an online platform to promote medical tourism in India

In 2022, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the creation of the Ayush visa as part of the government initiative Heal in India. Subsequently, the Ministries of Ayush and Health & Family Care joined forces to develop a one-stop-shop Heal in India aimed at promoting India as one of the world's top destinations for medical tourism.

To further enhance the added value of medical tourism in ayurveda and other traditional forms of medicine, a memorandum of understanding was also recently signed with the India Tourism Development Corporation and the Ministry of Tourism.

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