Iraq unveils its electronic visa: what you need to know

After the separatist Kurdistan region last February, theIrak๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ถ recently announced the introduction of an electronic visa system, simplifying the visa application process for its visitors. Here's a roundup of the essential information you need to know about this new initiative.

An online visa system to attract tourists

Iraq's ambition is to become a popular destination for travelers from all over the world, which is why the government has set up a easy online visa application system. To do so, simply access their dedicated website which explains the steps involved in obtaining an e-visa. The process is very simple and takes just a few clicks.

Iraqi electronic visa portal

How does the Iraqi electronic visa work?

The e-Visa is a fully paperless visaThe e-Visa allows you to enter Iraq without having to visit an embassy or consulate. To apply for an e-Visa, simply fill in an online form, provide a digital photo and details of your accommodation in Iraq. Once this has been done and the application fee paid, the visa is sent by email and must be printed and presented to the authorities on arrival in Iraq.

How long is an Iraqi e-Visa valid for and how much does it cost?

The electronic visa for Iraq is valid for a period of 30 days. It should be noted, however, that e-Visa applications are currently only available to tourists.

As for the price of the e-Visa, as well as the list of eligible nationalities and the e-Visa approval deadline, this information is not yet known and will no doubt be communicated at a later date by the Iraqi authorities. In general, an e-Visa costs around 50 US dollars.

There's no denying that the introduction of an electronic visa for tourists in Iraq is a major step forward. a major step forward in facilitating travelers' entry and residence procedures. This decision also reflects the Iraqi government's determination to promote tourism, a key economic sector for this country undergoing reconstruction.

Quai d'Orsay still strongly recommends postponing all travel to the country. At present, Western nationals can obtain a visa on arrival at Najaf or Basra airports.. South Americans, Africans and West Asians still need to apply for a visa before traveling to Iraq.

As CEO of Visamundi, I am dedicated to facilitating international travel by helping our customers obtain visas worldwide. By staying at the forefront of ever-changing regulations, I ensure that our agency is a trusted pillar in the field of visa services.

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