France: Financial aid to pay for your plane ticket and go on vacation

In the current travel boom, many people are feeling the financial burden of air travel. In France, various aids have been put in place to ease this burden and make travel more accessible to all.

Overview of available support

Whether you're planning to go on vacation or visit family abroad, there are a variety of financial aids available to make your project easier:

  • Vacation vouchers
  • CAF (Caisse d'Allocations Familiales) transportation assistance
  • Travel-specific financial loans

Some regions offer vacation vouchers to help finance plane tickets or accommodation. To qualify for this assistance, you generally have to meet certain criteria set by the regional authorities:

  • Be of French nationality
  • Reside in the region in question
  • Respect a family income ceiling
  • Submitting an application and physically collecting the aid

List of travel aids

Paris Jeunes Vacances

The device Paris Jeunes Vacances offers assistance to young Parisian residents aged 16 to 30 to help them go on vacation. Each beneficiary can receive a €200 vacation voucher. Applicants must register online, provide the required supporting documents, and follow the instructions to collect the vouchers if their application is accepted. Application periods are aligned with school vacations, but the project can take place at other times. For more details on the application process and deadlines, visit Paris Jeunes Vacances.

Departure 18-25 from ANCV

The "Start time 18:25The ANCV (Agence Nationale pour les Chèques-Vacances) "vacation voucher" scheme offers financial assistance of up to €250 for young people aged 18 to 25 living in France, to help them finance holidays in France or the EU. Beneficiaries must meet certain criteria, such as being scholarship students, apprentices, or engaged in certain contracts or civic services. The aid covers up to 80% of the cost of the stay, with a minimum of €50 to be paid by the beneficiary. For more details on the conditions and to test your eligibility, you can visit the site Departure 18:25

The CAF's AVF (Vacaf)

The Aide aux Vacances Familiales (AVF), offered by the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (CAF) via the VacafThis program enables low-income families to benefit from financial assistance for vacation stays. The assistance can cover a significant part of the cost of the stay, but families are generally required to pay a proportion of the costs (at least €50).

Stays must generally take place during school vacations (except for families with children under the age of 3, who are not subject to compulsory schooling) and can vary in length, often up to a maximum of 2 weeks. Assistance is granted within the limits of the funds available for each departmental CAF, so it's a good idea to get in touch with each one. See the website

⚠️ Attention, among the imperatives:

  • To incur transport costs for a departmental, regional, national or international departure;
  • Family allowance <= €700 at date of application

Illustration with regional AVFs

In the Yvelines département, for example, the AVF offers up to €600 in assistance for households with a family income of 500 euros or less. In Paris, assistance can cover up to 60% of the cost of the stay, with a maximum of 800€ depending on resources.

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