United Kingdom: transit visas required for Russian and Georgian travellers

The British government has introduced a new measure concerning Russian and Georgian nationals. Since last September 8In order to enter the UK without actually entering it, transit visas are required for travel to other countries.

This amendment, introduced byImmigration Order 2014is designed to combat a worrying phenomenon: abusive asylum claims on British territory. Indeed, the authorities have noted that since 2018, many Russian and Georgian nationals have been taking advantage of stopovers at English airports to seek protection from the immigration services. Often, they would never leave the country again.

The solution: transit visas required for certain travellers

  • Nationals of Russia and Georgia now require a transit visa with the abolition of their visa-free regime
  • The aim is to limit the number of asylum seekers
  • There are only a few exceptions to this requirement (see below).

Exemption request: specific conditions to be met

In fact, there are a few cases where Russian and Georgian travellers can be travel without a transit visa on British territory. However, certain conditions must be met:

  • Arrive in the UK before October 5, 2023
  • Have already booked a ticket for the rest of the journey before the introduction of Immigration Order 2014 (September 8, 2023).

Other exceptions are also provided for (caution this is technical) :

  • Those with a valid australien🇦🇺, canadien🇨🇦, neo-zélandais🇳🇿 or américain🇺🇸 visa, regardless of their travel destination.
  • Citizens with an Australian, Canadian, New Zealand or US visa in their passport, coming from these countries and transiting the UK to other countries, provided they last entered these countries more than 6 months ago on a valid visa.
  • Holders of a permanent residence permit from Australia (after June 28, 2002), Canada, New Zealand (after April 21, 1998) or a U.S. immigrant visa with an arrival stamp, accompanied by an I-797 letter confirming renewal of the document.
  • Those with a residence permit valid in the countries of the European Economic Area and Switzerland.
  • Holders of a Schengen "D" visa.
  • Holders of an Irish BC or BC BIVS biometric visa, in transit to a destination outside the common migration area of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • Citizens holding a valid Schengen group tourist visa and travelling to the country that issued the visa.
  • Persons with valid airline tickets from Schengen zone countries, who entered these countries no earlier than 30 days previously with a Schengen group tourist visa (group ADS) valid at that time.

Measures that seem to be bearing fruit

According to the Home OfficeThe results are already satisfactory. Since the introduction of this measure, the number of Russian and Georgian nationals using their temporary stay at UK airports to make an asylum claim has reportedly fallen considerably.

A measure that could be extended to other nationalities

It is possible that this transit visa requirement will be extended to other countries in the coming months or years. The Home Office says it is keeping a close eye on the situation, and does not rule out applying similar restrictions for nationals of other states, if this proves necessary to safeguard the UK's security and avoid taking in potential refugees.

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